A New Year… cometh

2016... A New Year (1)

September 16th: Leaving on a jet plane…


Saturday eve… September 19th

flying from Damman International to Vancouver International

via Frankfurt


Our base camp will be the seaside town of Gibsons

on The Sunshine Coast of BC

…a 40 minute ferry ride from Vancouver




I’ll be posting… from time to time

over the coming month…

due back in saudiland on October 21st





September 13th: I’ll be home for Thanks-Giving… :)



©iStockphoto.com/Olga Lyubkina


Thanksgiving Day is a holiday…

 to give thanks for the blessings in one’s life,

particularly the harvest…

linked to the European tradition of harvest festivals.

Thanksgiving Day in Canada


I’m in it… for the Pumpkin Pie… ~;D


September 12th: Free to Fly… :)


Chemotherapy Treatment was completed…

with the 4th cycle… on August 31st

The Good Doctor’s parting words…

“Have a Good Life”


Bird Image


September 11th: The Ruby Slipper Cancer Support Group


I’ve been researching After Care options…

and much to my delight…

did discover a Peer Support Group that meets in Sechelt

…twice monthly!!


I just happen to be going home for Thanksgiving…

and look forward to dropping in… in October

The Ruby Slipper Cancer Support Group


Ruby Slipper Fund Logo


September 10th: “A Daily Gap in the Inbox of your Mind”


elephant journal


Negativity if not negative


Click here for MORE on ‘the mindful life’…


September 9th: Time to ‘blow this pop stand’ !!!


Our crazy quiet days of summer…

have been usurped

with a bout of maintenance projects

in our very backyard!


‘THEY’ are sandblasting

the neighbourhood slum!


I’ve got a sore head!!!





 The sound is deafening…

all invasive…

downright rude!


Time to ‘blow this pop stand’ … 🙂




September 8th: WHY… I avoid… ‘Coffee Mornings’ !!!


for Megan… 🙂




ExpatWoman Coffee Mornings



Like myself…

some of you may better enjoy READING ABOUT…

living abroad an an Expat Woman!


51lZKw72FCL    51CjEa8T7gL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Expat Women: Confessions


September 7th: “Sending a ‘HUG’… your way”


An envelope postmarked 15-06-23 @ 02:45h

arrived today…

from Canada with love  B0C


Maggie's Hug Card


Inside is written…

” You’re Always in My

thoughts  And in My heart “


September 6th: … ‘thine heart and thine eyes’…


This post follows yesterday’s post

September 5th: … reading… off-line… tonight


An excerpt from The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul

Ahmet, the son of the landlady, is standing guard at the blue gate…

 in the wall surrounding the coffee shop.


“Ahmet never stopped to talk or ask questions, and he didn’t use a metal

detector, like the fancy restaurants.

But he had what he considered the surest method for safety clearance.

He never failed to look into the eyes of the customers,

because they reflected deeper truths than any momentary feelings

of impatience or hunger or disappointment.

The eyes of a man betrayed his heart.

Even with a smile, the evil man’s eyes were as hard and shallow

as a dry riverbed;

even with a furrowed brow, the eyes of a good man were deep.

In the Koran, the eyes were

the gateway to the mind.

‘You will see’ in the Koran meant ‘to know’;

‘thine heart and thine eyes’ referred to

your feelings and your thoughts…

as Ahmet has been taught since he was a young boy in school.”

( Chapter 5: pages 41-42 )




Click here to view my house & The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul

I am located at THE BLUE DOT on the Persian Gulf Coast of Saudi Arabia

Kabul is located under THE RED BALLOON


Link to Interactive Google Map
